Bronner's and Frankenmuth

The following are day and night photos of my trip in November of 2010 to Bronner's and Frankenmuth, Michigan. I loved my stay there; it was very spiritual for me. The "Silent Night Chapel" is a special place to sit and meditate. I spent a whole day just going through Bronner's. Those who know me, know my love of Christmas and everything surrounding the entire holiday season. Frankenmuth embraces that feeling in the best way possible. All the photos were taken without a tripod, so I had to be very still in order to get a lot of these shots.

Links to Bronner's Christmas Wonderland and Frankenmuth, MI

Bronner's Christmas Wonderland

The Silent Night Chapel

Marv Herzog Hotel

Veterans Memorial

River Place (entrance)

Bavarian Inn & Frankenmuth Brewery

Nativity in downtown Frankenmuth

Various decorations and water shots